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In-house landscape training goes international

Landscape Design Consultants International was established in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal in 1991. It is owned and managed by Jo-Anne Hilliar, a professionally trained landscape designer who

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Landscape with indigenous trees this Arbor Month

Celebrate National Arbor Month Arbor Month is is annually commemorated in September in South Africa. The celebration is aimed at raising awareness and sensitising South

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Water saving conservation efforts this summer

Water conservation is an important element of water supply planning and necessitates the responsible use of water, using water wise efficiency improvement mechanisms. Water conservation

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Can AI help end deforestation?

Today, a major challenge the world faces is how to halt deforestation and ensure our forests are restored and used sustainably. We know what a

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Four new protected trees for South Africa

The National List of Protected Tree Species has been updated. This list includes indigenous tree species that are protected in terms of the National Forests