Plant Trees: SALI supports Arbor Month – September 2018

2018 Arbor Week Poster 2018 Arbor Week Poster

Download attachments: Life is a Garden Arbor Week Poster 2018 (950 Downloads) National Arbor Month Poster 2018 (1058 Downloads) National Trees of the Year 2018 Information (1078 Downloads)

South African landscapers are celebrating Arbor Month during September 2018…

The theme for the 2018 Arbor Month Campaign is Forests and Sustainable Cities.
Investing in green spaces can help transform cities into more sustainable, resilient, healthy, equitable and pleasant places to live.
More than half the world’s population now lives in cities, and by 2050 almost 70% of the world will be urbanized.
Although cities occupy only three percent of the Earth’s surface, they consume 78% of energy and emit 60% of carbon dioxide.
Woodlands, forests and trees in a city and on its fringes perform a wide range of vital functions – such as storing carbon, removing air pollutants, assisting in food, energy and water security, restoring degraded soils and preventing drought and floods.
In a medium size city, for instance, urban trees can reduce the loss of soil by around 10,000 tons per year.
By shading and cooling the air, forests and trees in urban areas can reduce extreme temperatures and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Indeed, trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30%.
In cold climates, by shielding homes from the wind, they can help save energy used for heating by 20-50%.
What are South Africa’s 2018 Trees of the Year?

* COMMON TREE OF THE YEAR : Yellowwood, Geelhoutbome (Podocarpus elongatus, P. falcatus, P. henkelii, P. latifolius)

Glorious evergreens that can be planted in landscapes across the country.
Podocarpus elongatus is endemic to Southern Africa where it is mainly restricted to the Breede River Valley in the Western Cape.
Podocarpus latifolius is a yellowwood promoted by garden centres and the Life is a Garden campaign.
* RARE (UNCOMMON) TREE OF THE YEAR : Shepherd’s tree, Witgat (Boscia albitrunca)

The shepherds tree is found in the arid parts of KwaZulu Natal, Gauteng, Free State, North West, Limpopo and Northern Cape.
It prefers dry, open woodland and bushveld areas with sandy, loamy and calcrete soils.
Boscia albitrunca is often termed the tree of life as nearly every part of it can be used or eaten by humans or animals.
Culturally, in some areas it is believed that the wood must not be burnt as this will result in cows only producing bull calves.
Nutritionally, it is used as a source of food where its roots are used to make porridge and as a substitute for coffee.
How do your celebrate Arbor Month?

Encourage communities to plant suitable trees for their region.
Download and distribute the following posters to local organisations, schools, libraries and community centres.
1) 2018 National Arbor Month Poster is available for download and printing:

From the DAFF website.
As an attachment – see downloads at the top of this feature.

2) 2018 Tree of the Year Information Poster is available for download and printing:

From the DAFF website.
As an attachment – see downloads at the top of this feature.

Life is a Garden has created a Tree of the Year Poster that is available for download and printing:

From the SANA website
As an attachment – see downloads at the top of this feature.
